User Guide

This guide intends to cover the basic concepts of the library, commonsense inference generation and knowledge model training.



This library provides an easy and extensible interface to perform knowledge inference such as commonsense reasoning in natural language.

Wikipedia defines commonsense reasoning as a human-like ability to make presumptions about the type and essence of ordinary situations humans encounter every day. It operates on commonsense knowledge which is often implicit and includes judgments about the nature of physical objects, taxonomic properties and people’s intentions. While humans are very good at this task, it has largely remained as one of the long-standing challenges for machines.

However, recent large-scale language models have brought a tremendous progress in natural language processing and new so-called knowledge models have emerged that have exhibited promising results on commonsense reasoning tasks. These models are trained on large knowledge graphs composed of knowledge tuples that represent the commonsense knowledge about the world. In this sense, a knowledge is represented as a tuple of (head, relation, tails) where head refers to the source knowledge such as PersonX buys lunch, relation to the reasoning question asked about the source knowledge such as What does PersonX need? and tails to the target knowledge presented as possible answers to this question such as bring a wallet. kogito at its core, provides an intuitive representation and manipulation of these concepts to enable a standardized high level interface for reasoning tasks.


Knowledge in kogito is represented using kogito.core.knowledge.Knowledge class. It is initialized with an instance of a kogito.core.head.KnowledgeHead, a kogito.core.relation.KnowledgeRelation and a list of knowledge tails represented as literal strings. While heads and tails can be any abritrary text, relations are rather pre-defined notions and are based on ATOMIC and CONCEPTNET relations. For example, the relation mentioned above is represented with the X_NEED object. However, this being said kogito also provides a way to define new custom relations and use them to perform commonsense reasoning. Please, refer to the Custom Relations section for more on this.

from kogito.core.head import KnowledgeHead
from kogito.core.knowledge import Knowledge
from kogito.core.relation import X_NEED

head = KnowledgeHead("PersonX buys lunch")
knowledge = Knowledge(head=head, relation=X_NEED, tails=["bring a wallet"])

Moreover, all 3 classes allow a direct comparison between their respective instances based on the text and type of the instance. Two KnowledgeHead objects are considered equal if their respective underlying texts match, two KnowledgeRelation objects are equal if their representative texts and types (relation type refers to the knowledge base it comes from e.g. ATOMIC) and finally, two Knowledge objects are equal when their heads, relations and tails match.

Knowledge Graph

Knowledge graph in kogito is represented using kogito.core.knowledge.KnowledgeGraph class and is simply a collection of Knowledge objects. This class provides an easy interface to read, manipulate and write knowledge instances.

from kogito.core.knowledge import Knowledge, KnowledgeGraph
from kogito.core.head import KnowledgeHead
from kogito.core.relation import X_NEED, CAUSES

knowledge1 = Knowledge(head=KnowledgeHead("PersonX buys lunch"), relation=X_NEED, tails=["bring a wallet"])
knowledge2 = Knowledge(head=KnowledgeHead("Throwing a party"), relation=CAUSES, tails=["have fun"])

kgraph = KnowledgeGraph([knowledge1, knowledge2])

KnowledgeGraph can be easily iterated over similar to Python sequences.

for knowledge in kgraph:

KnowledgeGraph can be initialized from different input sources such as csv, json etc. Given following csv and jsonl files:


PersonX buys lunch | xNeed | bring a wallet


{“source”: “PersonX buys lunch”, “rel”: “xNeed”, “tails”: [“bring a wallet”]}

{“source”: “Throwing a party”, “rel”: “Causes”, “tails”: [“have fun”]}

we can instantiate knowledge graphs as below:

# From csv
kgraph1 = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("sample_graph1.csv", sep="|", header=None)

# From jsonl (list of json objects)
kgraph2 = KnowledgeGraph.from_jsonl("sample_graph2.jsonl", head_attr="source", relation_attr="rel", tails_attr="targets")

kogito also provides an out-of-box set-like capabilities for KnowledgeGraph instances such as union (also with overloaded + and |), intersection (also with overloaded &) and difference (also with overloaded -) operators.

# Union
kgraph3 = kgraph1 + kgraph2 # kgraph1.union(kgraph2)

# Intersection
kgraph3 = kgraph1 & kgraph2 # kgraph1.intersection(kgraph2)

# Difference
kgraph3 = kgraph1 - kgraph2 # kgraph1.difference(kgraph2)

KnowledgeGraph object can also be written to different output formats.


Knowledge Model

Base knowledge model in kogito is represented by the kogito.core.model.KnowledgeModel class and provides an abstract interface to be implemented by concrete model instances. More specifically, these following methods, namely, train, evaluate, generate, from_pretrained and save_pretrained are defined and allow for training, evaluating, querying (generating inferences from), loading and saving models respectively. For inference generation, these models take an instance of KnowledgeGraph (generally this graph will be incomplete i.e. each knowledge instance in its collection will be missing tails since we want to predict those) and output a complete version of the input graph (tails filled in). For more information on specific models available as part of kogito, please refer to the Models section. Here is an example of loading a pre-trained model from HuggingFace.

from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART

# Load pre-trained model from HuggingFace
model = COMETBART.from_pretrained("mismayil/comet-bart-ai2")

Knowledge Linker

In addition to knowledge models, kogito also offers a functionality called commonsense fact (a.k.a knowledge) linking (Gao et al. 2022) which aims to identify situationally-relevant knowledge instances given a context. This concept is represented by the kogito.core.linker.KnowledgeLinker class in kogito which essentially provides 2 methods to perform this task:

  • link ( method takes an instance of a KnowledgeGraph, and a context (as a text or a list of texts) and outputs list of relevancy scores for each knowledge instance (more specifically, for each combination of head, relation and tail tuples if there are multiple tails) in the given graph with respect to the given graph.

  • filter ( method which acts as more of a convenience method over the link method. It also takes a knowledge graph and a context, but also additionally a threshold value (by default set to 0.5) for the relevancy score and then computes the relevancy scores and outputs a new graph where all the knowledge tuples that have lower relevancy score than the given threshold have been filtered out. It can also be configured to return all the scores alongside with the filtered graph.

Similar to KnowledgeModel, this class is rather an abstract interface that should be subclassed by specific implementations. As one example, kogito currently comes with a builtin Deberta-based implementation of this functionality. Here is a sample code on how to use this module:

from kogito.linkers.deberta import DebertaLinker
from kogito.core.knowledge import KnowledgeGraph

linker = DebertaLinker()
context = [
      "joey was pretending to drive his wife to work .",
      "the truth was that he was taking her on a trip .",
      "when they passed the road for her workplace , she asked what was up .",
      "that 's when he announced the trip detour plans .",
      "his wife was so thrilled and they really enjoyed their trip together ."
input_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("sample_linking_graph.csv", sep="|", header=None)
relevance_probs =, context)


filtered_graph = linker.filter(input_graph, context, threshold=0.6)



kogito offers a simple, yet powerful commonsense inference module called kogito.inference.CommonsenseInference. It is initialized with a (spacy) language of choice (by default, en_core_web_sm). Then its infer method can be called with various arguments to generate commonsense inferences. Here we will walk through some common use-cases for this module and for complete API reference, you can refer to API Reference.

from kogito.inference import CommonsenseInference

# Initialize inference module with a spacy language pipeline
csi = CommonsenseInference(language="en_core_web_sm")

Head Extraction

As mentioned before, knowledge models take as input a knowledge graph composed of knowledge tuples, but kogito in addition to this offers a way to automatically extract relevant knowledge heads from the input text to feed into these models.

text = "PersonX becomes a great basketball player"
kgraph = csi.infer(text, model)

Under the hood, kogito applies various head extraction methods to the given text. By default, following extraction methods are applied automatically:

You can list all default head extractors as below:


which will output (it also outputs relation matchers which will be explained in the next section):

   "head": ["sentence_extractor", "noun_phrase_extractor", "verb_phrase_extractor"],
   "relation": ["simple_relation_matcher", "graph_relation_matcher"]

You can also optionally remove head extractors by their name:


kogito also allows you to define your own head extractors. For this, you simply need to implement the kogito.core.processors.head.KnowledgeHeadExtractor interface and register the new extractor with the inference module. Here is one example that extracts only adjectives from the text:

from typing import Optional, List
from spacy.tokens import Doc
import spacy

from kogito.core.processors.head import KnowledgeHeadExtractor, KnowledgeHead

class AdjectiveHeadExtractor(KnowledgeHeadExtractor):
   def extract(self, text: str, doc: Optional[Doc] = None) -> List[KnowledgeHead]:
      if not doc:
            doc = self.lang(text)

      heads = []

      for token in doc:
            if token.pos_ == "ADJ":
               heads.append(KnowledgeHead(text=token.text, entity=token))

      return heads

adj_extractor = AdjectiveHeadExtractor("adj_extractor", spacy.load("en_core_web_sm"))

Relation Matching

Of course, knowledge heads are not enough on their own to query knowledge models, we also need to supply the knowledge relations, in other words the questions we want to ask about the knowledge heads. Luckily, kogito also provides an ability to automatically match relevant relations to the extracted heads. By default, following relation matching methods are applied:

and following model-based relation matchers are available out-of-the-box to be added. These models have been trained as a classifier to match heads to one or more of the relation categories of ATOMIC, namely, kogito.core.relation.PHYSICAL_RELATIONS, kogito.core.relation.EVENT_RELATIONS and kogito.core.relation.SOCIAL_RELATIONS.

  • Simple Word Embedding model based matcher (kogito.core.processors.relation.SWEMRelationMatcher)

  • DistilBert model based matcher (kogito.core.processors.relation.DistilBertRelationMatcher)

  • Bert model based matcher (kogito.core.processors.relation.BertRelationMatcher)

These matchers can simply be added to the inference module as below:

from kogito.core.processors.relation import SWEMRelationMatcher


Similar to head extraction, relation matching methods can also be optionally removed:


and custom ones can be added. Here is an example where each head is matched with the same 2 relations:

from typing import List, Tuple

from kogito.core.processors.head import KnowledgeHead
from kogito.core.processors.relation import KnowledgeRelationMatcher
from kogito.core.relation import KnowledgeRelation, X_NEED, CAUSES

class ConstantRelationMatcher(KnowledgeRelationMatcher):
   def match(
      self, heads: List[KnowledgeHead], relations: List[KnowledgeRelation] = None, **kwargs
   ) -> List[Tuple[KnowledgeHead, KnowledgeRelation]]:
      head_relations = []

      for head in heads:
            head_relations.append((head, X_NEED))
            head_relations.append((head, CAUSES))

      return head_relations

const_rel_matcher = ConstantRelationMatcher("const_rel_matcher", spacy.load("en_core_web_sm"))

Manual Mode

Beyond automatic head extraction and relation matching, kogito also provides several manual controls. For example, you can specify additional heads manually as a list (either as a text or a KnowledgeHead instance).

text = "PersonX becomes a great basketball player"
heads = ["tennis player", "athlete"]
kgraph = csi.infer(text=text, heads=heads, model=model)

or completely switch off head extraction by either omitting the text or setting extract_heads flag to False. In case a text is provided with the flag switched off, text is taken to be head as is and no head extraction is applied.

text = "PersonX becomes a great basketball player"
heads = ["tennis player", "athlete"]
kgraph = csi.infer(text=text, heads=heads, extract_heads=False, model=model)

Similarly, you can specify a subset of relations to match from. Here relation matching will still be performed, but only from the list provided.

from kogito.core.relation import PHYSICAL_RELATIONS

heads = ["tennis player", "athlete"]
kgraph = csi.infer(heads=heads, relations=PHYSICAL_RELATIONS, model=model)

or alternatively, you can switch off automatic smart relation matching by setting match_relations flag to False which will result in heads being matched with all the relations provided.

from kogito.core.relation import PHYSICAL_RELATIONS

heads = ["tennis player", "athlete"]
kgraph = csi.infer(heads=heads, relations=PHYSICAL_RELATIONS, match_relations=False, model=model)

Dry-run Mode

If you just want to see the results of head extraction and relation matching without querying the model for actual results, you can do so by either omitting model argument or by setting dry_run flag to True.

kgraph = csi.infer(text="PersonX becomes a great basketball player", model=model, dry_run=True)

which will output an incomplete knowledge graph (i.e. without tails) like below:

{"head": "PersonX becomes a great basketball player", "relation": "Causes", "tails": []}
{"head": "basketball", "relation": "ObjectUse", "tails": []}
{"head": "player", "relation": "CapableOf", "tails": []}
{"head": "great basketball player", "relation": "HasProperty", "tails": []}
{"head": "become player", "relation": "isAfter", "tails": []}

Inference Filtering

By default, commonsense inference module outputs all the generated tails without any filtering. However, typically we would like to generate knowledge for a certain context, so some sort of filtering mechanism would be desired. kogito offers this functionality through KnowledgeLinker interface which can be easily integrated with the commonsense inference module. All you need to do is to provide a context to the inference module and it takes care of the rest. By default, it will use the builtin commonsense fact linking model DebertaLinker to link the generated knowledge instances to the given context to compute the relevancy scores and filter out the ones that dont meet the supplied threshold value (by default 0.5). Here is a sample code for this functionality:

from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART
from kogito.linkers.deberta import DebertaLinker
from kogito.inference import CommonsenseInference

model = COMETBART.from_pretrained()
csi = CommonsenseInference()

text = "PersonX wraps gifts"
context = ['hank had to wrap a lot of gifts for his family .',
         'he ran out of wrapping paper with 4 gifts to go .',
         'he went to the kitchen and found shopping bags .',
         'he cut up the bags to make sheets of paper .',
         'he used the paper to wrap the last of the gifts .']

kgraph = csi.infer(text, model, context=context)

# You can also configure the linker and the threshold
kgraph2 = csi.infer(text, model, context=context, linker=DebertaLinker(), threshold=0.6)

Custom Relations

As mentioned before, knowledge relations are rather fixed, pre-defined notions based on ATOMIC and CONCEPTNET knowledge bases. However, one might want to define their own custom relations and perform commonsense reasoning based on these new relations. kogito also provides this capability through large language models such as GPT-3. In order to do this, we need to use kogito.models.gpt3.zeroshot.GPT3Zeroshot model, define and register our new relation using KnowledgeRelation class and construct a sample knowledge graph with examples for our new relations.

To define our new relation, we need to provide a verbalizer function to convert the knowledge tuple into a meaningful sentence in natural language and a prompt text that explains the new relation as an instruction (these are required to interact with the GPT-3 model). Let’s define a new relation called X_WISHES which does not exist in any of the knowledge bases.

from kogito.core.relation import KnowledgeRelation, register_relation

def x_wishes_verbalizer(head, **kwargs):
   # index will be passed from the model
   # so that we can enumerate samples which helps with inference
   index = kwargs.get("index")
   index_txt = f"{index}" if index is not None else ""
   return f"Situation {index_txt}: {head}\nWishes: As a result, PersonX wishes"

X_WISHES = KnowledgeRelation("xWishes",
                             prompt="How does this situation affect each character's wishes?")

Then we construct the following sample graph showing examples for our new relation.


PersonX is at a party | xWishes | to drink beer and dance

PersonX bleeds a lot | xWishes | to see a doctor

PersonX works as a cashier | xWishes | to be a store manager

PersonX gets dirty | xWishes | to clean up

PersonX stays up all night studying | xWishes | to sleep all day

PersonX gets PersonY’s autograph | xWishes | to have a relationship with PersonY

PersonX ends a friendship | xWishes | to meet new people

PersonX makes his own costume | xWishes | to go to a costume party

PersonX calls PersonY | xWishes | to have a long chat

PersonX tells PersonY a secret | xWishes | to get PersonY’s advice

PersonX mows the lawn | xWishes | to get a new lawnmower

Note that the unique relation name provided above in the definition (i.e. “xWishes”) should match the one in the examples.

Finally, we initialize our GPT-3 model and run the inference:

from kogito.inference import CommonsenseInference
from kogito.core.knowledge import KnowledgeGraph
from kogito.models.gpt3.zeroshot import GPT3Zeroshot

csi = CommonsenseInference()
# Here we remove the simple relation matcher for simplicity

# Initialize GPT-3 model using API access
model = GPT3Zeroshot(api_key="<your GPT-3 API Key>", model_name="text-davinci-002")

sample_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("sample_graph.csv", sep="|", header=None)

heads = ["PersonX makes a huge mistake", "PersonX sees PersonY's point"]

kgraph = csi.infer(model=model, heads=heads, sample_graph=sample_graph)


kogito offers following knowledge models for inference:

All of these models implement the KnowledgeModel interface which provides these main methods to interact with these models: train, generate, evaluate, save_pretrained and from_pretrained.


generate (kogito.core.model.KnowledgeModel.generate()) method is used to make inferences with knowledge models. It takes an (incomplete i.e. without tails) input knowledge graph and outputs a (completed i.e. tails generated) knowledge graph.

Given an input graph in a json format like below:


{“relation”: “xNeed”, “head”: “PersonX takes things for granted”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “xWant”, “head”: “PersonX pleases ___ to make”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “xEffect”, “head”: “PersonX shoves PersonY back”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “isAfter”, “head”: “PersonX wants to go”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “xEffect”, “head”: “PersonX hits by lightning”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “xNeed”, “head”: “PersonX finally meet PersonY”, “tails”: []}

{“relation”: “ObjectUse”, “head”: “chain”, “tails”: []}

We can generate inferences for example using COMETBART model as below:

from kogito.core.knowledge import KnowledgeGraph
from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART

input_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_jsonl("input_graph.jsonl")

# Load a model from HuggingFace
model = COMETBART.from_pretrained("mismayil/comet-bart-ai2")
output_graph = model.generate(input_graph)

While COMET based models have been trained specifically on knowledge graphs, zeroshot models are based on the publicly available language models. GPT2Zeroshot model by default uses the publicly available gpt2 model from HuggingFace and can simply be initialized using the class constructor:

from kogito.models.gpt2.zeroshot import GPT2Zeroshot

model = GPT2Zeroshot()

GPT3Zeroshot model on the other hand is currently only available through public API access, hence, an API key is required to interact with this model.

from kogito.models.gpt3.zeroshot import GPT3Zeroshot

model = GPT3Zeroshot(api_key="<your API key>", model_name="text-davince-002")


COMET models have been trained based on the paper COMET-ATOMIC2020: On Symbolic and Neural Commonsense Knowledge Graphs and made available as pre-trained models through HuggingFace:

from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART
from kogito.models.gpt2.comet import COMETGPT2

comet_bart = COMETBART.from_pretrained("mismayil/comet-bart-ai2")
comet_gpt2 = COMETGPT2.from_pretrained("mismayil/comet-gpt2-ai2")

However, if you wish to train these models on a new dataset and/or with different hyperparameters, you can do so using the provided train method (kogito.core.model.KnowledgeModel.train()). This method takes a training dataset as an instance of a KnowledgeGraph and additional hyperparameters depending on the model type. Please, refer to the API Reference for more details on specific parameters accepted by this method for each model.

For example, here is a sample code to train a COMETBART model:

from kogito.core.knowledge import KnowledgeGraph
from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART, COMETBARTConfig

config = COMETBARTConfig(
model = COMETBART(config)
train_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("train.tsv")
val_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("val.tsv")
test_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_csv("test.tsv")

model.train(train_graph=train_graph, val_graph=val_graph, test_graph=test_graph)

# Save as a pretrained model


Knowledge models can also be evaluated on various metrics. evaluate method (kogito.core.model.KnowledgeModel.evaluate()) takes an input knowledge graph (complete with reference tails), runs a generation on it and then computes various scores based on the reference and generation tails and outputs a dictionary of these scores. You can also specify how many generations to consider for evaluation and pass any extra arguments required for model generation.

Following metrics are available and enabled by default:

Here is an example of evaluating COMETBART model with some metrics:

from kogito.core.knowledge import KnowledgeGraph
from kogito.models.bart.comet import COMETBART

input_graph = KnowledgeGraph.from_jsonl("test_atomic2020_sample.json")

model = COMETBART.from_pretrained("mismayil/comet-bart-ai2")
# Here batch_size is an extra parameter for model generation
scores: dict = model.evaluate(input_graph, metrics=["bleu", "rouge"], top_k=2, batch_size=256)
